Manufacturers of Top Quality Fertilizer and Limestone Fertilizers enriched with sulphur

Greenlands approaches the problems of current agricultural products with scientific  approved knowledge to optimize the health and growth of agricultural crops.  We combine years of practical field experience together with fact based scientific agricultural knowledge to ensure crop yields of high quality, thus empowering the farmer to realize more profitable final product.

With us you are part of a champion fertilizer team that is committed to continuous superior service and exceptional quality.

The Greenlands reputation is the product of many years of experience and ongoing strict quality control.  Only the highest standard is good enough of which you are assured by thorough and regular maintenance at our plants.

Greenland’s limestone fertilizer blends:

Increases the efficiency of fertilization, especially on acidic lands.

The pH of the fertilizer band is more efficiently controlled.

Through the addition of sulphur and magnesium the process of photosynthesis is enhanced.

Basic cations are protected against leaching.

Advantageous soil microflora is stimulated.

Disadvantageous soil microflora such as stem and root rotting are suppressed.

Is registered in accordance with Act 36 of 1946.